Tuesday, August 5, 2014

"Emotional Intelligence 2.0" by Travis Bradbury

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is a book by TalentSmart, a company that works on identifying human potential and performance in a business setting.  The book, or booklet, which, although 270 pages, is in a small format and is usually accompanied by a course (which costs much more money).  An audiobook exists too, but I thought that this kind of subject is best internalized while reading it ink-on-paper. 

The book consists of 4 sections with 17 (very) short chapters each.  The sections are:  Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social-Awareness and Relationship-Management.  Each of the 17 chapters in the section talks about one useful technique that should become a part of everyone's repertoire.  Some of the advice seems very common sense, but that's because the hardest things to do/implement are usually the common-sense ones. 

Very easy to read and with lots of re-usability, this book reminds me of the famous Dale Carnegie books.  If Dale was alive today, this is probably the book he'd write on "How to win friends and influence people" as the subject matter is almost the same.  Recommended as a read, though don't expect anything earth-shattering (there's NO magic pill!).

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