Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Potters I-VII

It is not in order to write yet another review of the Harry Potter books, as they have been reviewed a thousand times, with opinions ranging wildly from absolute praise to accusations of satanism. As for me, I can say that I am a Potterhead (hehehe); I really liked the books.

I was upset when JK killed Dumbledore in the 'Half Blood Prince' but I forgave her when I read why in the 'Deathly Hallows.' I loved and hated Snape alternately, I eagerly awaited every next year at Hogwarts to find out what subjects are they studying now, I was impressed by the names and spells and creatures and fables coming out of the, seemingly, unlimited JK's imagination. Yes, I am a Potterhead, indeed.

I am happy and sad at the same time that the series is at its end. I am happy because if it wasn't to end now, it would stretch forever and become more and more dilluted, until it becomes unrecognizable, much like Herbert's 'Dune,' in which a reader should not go further than the 3rd book, or at most the 4th. I am sad because there won't be more Harry Potter adventures to keep me awake at night, in excitement and expectation of what is coming next, laughing and crying with the heroes, and having that satiated, happyending feeling at the end.

JK and Potter are here to stay, and I won't be surprised if one day they are taught in schools, as classics of World's literature, much like Carroll's 'Alice' is. The movies are also very entertaining, but it is my personal opinion that the quality is being degraded with each subsequent issue, the first one being the best. And what will they do for the next one, when the main characters are supposed to be 16, while all the cast is already over 17, nearing 18?

Anyway, the joy of re-reading, re-listening (as Jim Dale's voice acting is absolutely amazing) and, more rarely, re-watching, always remains!

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