Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

 I have to admit I only read 40% of this book, but it was becoming a torture to continue, so I had to abandon it. It is too boring.  I never thought I would say that, since I loved Dawkins' previous book "The Selfish Gene", which I still think is one of the best books ever written and every human being should read it to understand what is driving them.  However this one is too boring.  Dawkins kind of gets back to all his adversaries who insulted him in the past and makes the arguments against their arguments, but it is not very interesting to read.

Hitchens was much more interesting read on the same topic.  Yes, Hitchens has a bombastic and self-aggrandizing style, but it still makes for an interesting reader, if not literature.  This book by Dawkins is neither.  Maybe I should have finished it, but I realized that I was just going on out of respect for his previous book, "The Selfish Gene" and although I found this one mildly interesting, I just didn't want to waste my precious time on this planet finishing it.  I would rather waste my precious time watching silly shows on Netflix. At least they hypnotize me for a while.

I really don't get what Dawkins has against Agnostics, but he is very hostile towards people who say that we will never know for real about the existence of God.  He says he has more respect for a religious fanatic, or, obviously, for a militant atheist like himself, than for people, as he perceives them, who cannot decide either way.  He doesn't seem to perceive that agnostics are not sitting on the fence, and cannot decide between the two sides, but they've decided for themselves that neither of the choices is worth of their time.  They are not waiting for some final proof from the atheists that God doesn't exist, or the same from the religious in the other direction.  Agnostics have decided, after serious and prolonged thinking process, that neither side will ever produce a proof that will be irrefutable, simply because our human brains, the few pounds of blood and grey/white matter that gives us sentience, will never be able, and was never meant to understand something so outside its scope of capabilities, like an Infinite God.  We simply do not have the instruments.


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