Monday, January 31, 2011

"Conan the Warrior" by Robert E. Howard

Sometimes called the 'Volume 7' of the Conan collected stories (as Howard only wrote short stories), this book contains three interesting Conan stories from his later years (later 30s, early 40s).
The first story 'Red Nails' is quite good, some say among the best Conan stories written by Howard. It includes Valeria, the pirate, as well. It has to do with a forgotten city in the middle of nowhere with two warring tribes inside engaged in genocidal war. Conan and Valeria help one side, only to destroy all at the end.
The second story, "Jewels of Gwahlur" is more difficult to follow, but it is about stealing of the most valuable jewels in the world, which Conan achieves splendidly eventually, and to his own benefit mostly. The third story "Beyond the Black River" has to deal with Conan fighting the Picts, which in reality is another name for the Ancient Scots or Celts, but in Howard's story they are tropical savages with terrible cults.
A very entertaining book with three remarkable Conan stories (sometimes this volume is numbered 7 in the Conan collected stories), a recommended reading for every Conan fan or a casual reader looking for good adventure.

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