Friday, June 30, 2023

Love is a Dog from Hell by Charles Bukowski

There was an idiot on the internet (where else?) that claimed Bukowski only knows how to give good titles to his poetry books while the actual poetry sucked.  Well, that idiot should learn that the books are named by editors and publishers, not by the author, and the titles are actually taken from the verses that Bukowski wrote.  So, there you go, internet idiot, you just got schooled. 

The poems in this book are a mixed bag, as usual, because Bukowski lived by his motto (and grave epitaph) - "DO NOT TRY".  Just do. Just let it flow. It doesn't matter if it is garbage, just let it flow. Eventually some diamonds will flow out as well.  Yes, some of the poems here are pure garbage that a fourth grader could write better - so what? There are others that could be rated up there with the best poetry every written by a human being.   

Bukowski does not edit his poetry.  He publishes it all, as it came out from his drunken brain.  It is up to the reader to separate the garbage from the diamonds.  Don't like that approach? Your time is most valuable? Well, be on your merry way, then, nothing for you here! 

Poetry books are difficult to review, since you have to do it poem by poem.  This collection is similar to others by Bukowski, which I reviewed previously, dealing with love in the gutter and life in the gutter, describing, in very strong words (dick, shit, cunt, ass, fucking etc. being regularly used), the lowest social classes in the US, their morals (or lack thereof), their values, life priorities and views of the world at large.

Player of Games by Iain M. Banks

This is the second book in the Culture series, if you go chronologically by published date.  It is also the most boring one of the 4 I've read so far in the Culture series.  I see people online gushing over how interesting the story telling is when one thread starts from the beginning and the other from the end, but this seems to me to be just a silly gimmick, that does not help to lift off the average and boring story off the ground.  Here is the ending: Zakalwe is actually his brother who killed the original Zakalwe and his sister Darkscense (a stupid name as stupid names come, though Banks is a champion in making up the most dumb names for aliens - I can feel Heinlein raging against moronic names in SciFi).

Yes, he is the Chair Maker because he made a chair from the bones of his sister, including her broken pelvis!  We had to wade through 400 pages of shitty prose to get to that "exciting twist"!  The twists in this book are definitely sub par. 

Other than that, Sma is again here - she seems to be the most reccuring character.  This time she also organizaes her habitual group sex orgies and other fun stuff that Banks seems to think people living in space would enjoy en masse (why? people are not enjoying group sex en masse on this planet - why would that change in space?).

I keep saying that I will stop reading the Culture novels, but I still reach out for them because all of us humans want something familiar.  Maybe after this disappointment I will truly stop.